Therme Therme

everything sustainable.

After the birth of their first son, the host family decided to take a different, meaningful way. True to the motto “We did not inherit this world from our fathers, but have borrowed it from our children” the team of die dorfvilla dedicate themselves to upholding sustainability on a daily basis.

This also gave rise to the idea to heat the somewhat different building with solar energy (mainly) all year round. As the region enjoys enough sunshine, the only challenge was how to store the required annual power demand.

This appealing challenge could be solved with an “insulated earth storage”, which until then did not exist in Austria in this form. It takes the shape of a giant hole with a net volume of some 550-570,000 dm3, in which, encased by a special insulating layer, precious solar energy can be stored. This allows the stored energy amount to be drawn on even during the winter months, in order to revive die dorfvilla with energy from the sun using this altogether completely new concept.

So, everything different then.